Anyone who travels often surely has tips and tricks to surviving flying. Whether it’s what seat to pick on certain aircrafts or how dress, frequent flyers always have things that work best for them. I, too, have my travel necessities for surviving flying and, in particular, long haul flights.
Stay Hydrated

I’ll be the first to admit that on many overnight long haul flights I’ll have a glass of wine or two to help me fall asleep but that’s not a good way to stay hydrated. You truly have to drink a decent amount of water. Yes, you may have to visit the onboard lavatory more than you’d like but you will feel much better when you reach your destination.
Distract Yourself
People always seem concerned about the length of time for long haul flights and avoiding becoming stir crazy. As odd as it may sound, I have started to enjoy the really lengthy long haul flights. I distract myself with movies, reading, writing and, most of all, listening to music. I always have a couple sets of earphones just in case one stops working. Music is my ultimate distractor in my every day life and I find it relieves stress and even helps me to sleep when I fly.
Sleep If You Can

Even if you only sleep a little bit, it can help in keeping you feeling refreshed. When traveling on a long haul flight you are going to be crossing many time zones and that can be exhausting. One thing I’ve found that really helps me is an eye mask. This may seem very obvious but I only recently tried it out on daytime flights and it really works.
Avoid Jet Lag
Jet lag is a tough thing. It can definitely take a toll on you and your body. While staying hydrated and sleeping can help, in addition I take a homeopathic chewable called No Jet Lag during the flight. I’ve had no side effects and, more than anything, I’ve found it simply aids me in staying awake until it’s bedtime in the new time zone that I’ve arrived.
Staying Comfortable

Staying comfortable in your little space on the aircraft can be tricky. Wearing loose clothes can certainly keep you comfortable as well as help in the rest and relaxation department. Traveling with layers is also a good idea in case it’s chilly during the flight. I have one dress that I almost always wear during long haul flights. No, it’s not my most traveled dress but it’s close. It’s sleeveless, so great when I’m hot, and is t-shirt material, so feels like pajamas. I also travel with a cardigan, scarf and/or denim jacket. All these items can be useful in keeping you warm but also can double as blankets, pillows & face masks.
Don’t Let Your Skin Suffer

Since you’re hydrating your insides why not hydrate your outside too. Water consumption definitely is a good thing all the way around but that airplane air can dry out your skin and lips like you’ve been visiting the desert. I carry hand cream, Kiehls #1 lip balm and Maroc100. Kiehls is a product I use every day and it truly keeps my lips from drying and cracking even during the harsh New England winters. Maroc100 Flight Creme Skin Rescue Cocktail is a new product that I have tried on several long haul flights and can say that my face stays moist and I arrive with a glow upon touch down. Best part is after trying it out multiple times this sensitive skin gal has had zero problems with a reaction.
Arrive refreshed
All of the above will help you to arrive to your destination refreshed but there have been too many times where I land starving or in need of the bathroom. I’ve wised up and now always have small snacks in my bag that never go bad like nuts or power bars. Also, I always try to go to the restroom on board the plane not long before landing. Often, with long haul flights, you are arriving in a new country which means immigration and customs awaits. It’s no fun needing to relieve yourself through that entire process. Another tip is to either brush your teeth or have some gum or mints. I’m telling you that wakes you up and everyone you encounter will appreciate your fresh breath.