Tag Archives: photos

i spy eye candy! – Amalfi Coast

This week where in the world is lola? picked the EYE CANDY topic of the AMALFI COAST! i have had the pleasure of visiting Capri, Italy and looking back onto the gorgeous Amalfi Coast. let me just say, as much as i loved Capri, i longed to wrap that coastline during an afternoon road trip.

the BEST news is, I WILL be doing just that come November with Leah during our month-long Euro Tour. i look forward to my return to Italy and especially discovering this beautiful place where the land meets the sea. there has to be a good reason that it is the backdrop of so many plot lines in books and films. i can only imagine of the story lines i will have to share from my journey there.

where are you longing to go? what eye candy destination do you dream about? let me know!

ciao bella – lola


Filed under eye candy, italy, travel