Tag Archives: america

lola – the ambassador of America

in the spirit of the Fourth of July:

Give me your tired, your poor, (your broken-hearted)
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door

ok here’s the deal. i’m spending America’s birthday this year with a beautiful traveler – Alex of Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler. when i learned Alex was coming to the United States for the first time this summer, i was very excited that i might be able to meet her. even though she’s traveled more of the world than i have – we do have a couple of things in common. our affinity for warm weather, beaches & bikinis!

anyhow, it worked out that she would be up in Boston just before the 4th and we planned to meet. then something sad happened…Alex got her heart broken & her plans were turned upside down. i offered for her to come and stay with me. it’s just what nice people do when someone is hurting and in need. i am especially happy she accepted to be my guest for the Fourth of July. i’m glad to welcome her to America & into my home. i do wish the circumstances would have been different – like she was just coming for happy visit not a broken-hearted one. nevertheless – today in the USA, on the Fourth of July – she celebrates her freedom & independence and i’m happy to be here with her.

we didn’t go to any celebratory parade or fancy fireworks show. we can do that at some point somewhere else in the world when our paths cross again. today we just relaxed, enjoyed each other’s company & had some of our own fun! hope your Fourth of July was fulfilling too!


Filed under boston, travel